Saturday, June 23, 2007


Why play those games , those really silly games with me
oh no no no no no
Oh why oh why you tell me l-l-l-lies...

I was listening to this Diana King song and I got to thinking how much of importance this particular vice enjoys in our lives to have songs written on it.Whats more astounding is how we no longer classify it as a vice but deem it a necessity.

Here's a universal truth:We all lie, not just at some point in our lives, but every single day..and we're constantly playing a one-on-one silly little game.What makes us still shake our heads in desbelief despite this being a universal truth, is the fact that we don't realise we're doing it, or more so convince ourselves we're not doing it, convince others we're not doing it, or simply lie through our teeth and celebrate the death of our nagging conscience.I guess a couple of my friends must be really struggling to hide a smile to have this coming from me, for I am a self-proclaimed, righteous, extremely 'honest' person.But then, am I really?

This brings me to a point where I am compelled to measure my level of dishonesty and I feel I must enlist my version of types of lies and the repercussions.

*WHITE LIES:Now here's the most common species..what the world conveniently terms as "harmless" lies. In my opinion, they don't get as aptly classified under "harmless" as "convenient".The irony is that with the help of this tool we concoct the most colourful of stories.
Common instances..
  • "I was late because the train was ideally it wasn't me who was late"(We conveniently forget to mention that the earlier train had been on time)
  • "I was late because a cow ran onto the street and caused a traffic jam"(You forgot the papers you needed for that meeting and went back)
  • "The alarm didn't ring"(You were out partying all last night..and switched the alarm off and went right back to sleep)
  • "I am sorry friends just wouldn't let me go"(You couldn't let go of the TV or the game that was tried on a million dresses but didn't want to sound like a fussy puppy)
  • "I am sorry mom/dad I was out with friends/I was too busy at work"(I don't wanna know what happened on the latest sitcom and YES! I AM EATING & SLEEPING RIGHT)
  • "I was sick"(I was bored/I was lazy/I didn't give a damn)
  • "I was busy"(I didn't have a god damn thing to do..I just wanted to avoid this)
  • "Tell them I'm not in"(And wonder how many more times I have to tell them before they get the hint and stop bugging me)
  • "We'll think about it"(Never gonna happen)
*REFLEX LIES:These are the ones that flow from our lips as easily as water from a tap.In my vocabulary, can be defined as "saving my ass".
  • "Of course you deserve that promotion"(Get real..we all know who's the real brains ..ME)
  • "Thats funny"(No its NOT..but you are my boss and I HAVE to laugh)
  • "No mom I wasn't smoking/drinking"(You know I was..and it ain't gonna change so drop it)
  • "Its all healthy competition"(Felt great kicking your ass..LOSER)
  • "You look fantastic"(I wish you'd change..but we're already late)
  • "Of course you don't look fat"(I am not falling for that)
  • "Of course he/she is not better"(Not dumb enough to say otherwise!)
  • "Its delicious"(I'd rather eat this than cook on my own)
  • "I love you"(..and the couch..and the TV..and my side of the space and....)
*MORALE-BOOSTING LIES:These are dangerous..they lead us to delusions.
  • "I haven't put on..its this outfit"(Whom am I kidding???)
  • "I wasn't at my best"(I got my ass kicked)
  • "I think each person is unique(I am sooooooooooooooo jealous!I want to be him/her so bad!)
  • "I am gonna be okay"(It will take two more hrs of telling myself this bullshit before I even come close to being okay)
  • "I think I'm getting better..just need practice"(I suck!)
  • "I think I should do something more creative"(Anything is better than this job)
And of course there are those which CANNOT be classified at any point:

"I saw a UFO and I was so busy promoting universal peace that I couldn't do my homework"(??!!???!??..I know what you are thinking..who'd be dumb enough to say that right?Unfortunately I know some people who are capable)

It seems that the whole universe is conspiring to cloak the fact that lying is a vice.Even the English language is a partner in crime.
"I am not THAT good"(I am better than you!)..we call that modesty.
"Miracles can happen anywhere can make them happen"(I have spent a hellava time on you and you had better perform even if you suck)..we call that"prep talk".
"God is watching over you..he'll make sure you get your due"(Quit crying you baby, and do something about it)..We call that "instilling hope".

It seems that we spend an awful lot of our extremely short lives, and a lot of energy on thinking 'what not to say' rather than just saying it.Are we really that comfortable hiding under this cloak?

This whole exercise has left me feeling not so honest and not so good about myself.I guess the postulate is:For every occasion , there is a wonderful, totally befitting lie.You just have to have the 'talent' for it.And believe it or not this is a perennial game we play.And since thankfully I have reached the end of my stream of thoughts,(you can heave that sigh of relief)..I know what we all will do..we will convince ourselves that the past five minutes of reading have been completely wasted.Lying is neccessary..its survival..the world is not a friendly place.So lets just smile and appreciate the futile thoughts of this weird chick and get on with life.And as I speak..the clock ticks..and the game continues..

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it

-Adolf Hitler

Friday, June 15, 2007

The "Wonder" years

Ever wondered why is it that the teenage years were called 'THE WONDER YEARS'...when actually we don't really spend too much of our teen lives wondering..we mostly spend those years making horrific mistakes which we regret, try not to recall and 'wonder' about in our tweens.

The life of a twenty-something is much harder than a teen's.Its a time when you are no longer as stupid as you were, or maybe you just have no excuse for it now.Its as if you have been stripped of the title of 'teenager' and with it have gone the perks like bumbling idiotic acts,lack of judgement,irresponsibility and the ever so desirable "I give a damn" attitude. Its a time during which one becomes more of a spectator in life, resorts to retrospection.Too afraid to commit mistakes themselves anymore, people try to learn through others.Though you may get a big kick out of watching foolish acts committed by those who still haven't learnt the tricks of survival in the tweens, the realization that some others have already learnt the tricks, and have attained complete mastery in them, leaving you looking like the idiotic novice whom everyone able to cause long lasting misery.

The adaption process is long and painful..can be likened to baking a perfect apple pie.While some struggle to get the ingredients in place..others get tired mid way and leave it half baked.Of course, to make you feel miniscule, there are always those god sent hateful souls who cast u pitiful looks and gloat over the golden crusted creation.The outcome may be full of shocks and surprises.Snottiness, isolation,travelling,'meaningful' movies,unherad-of clubs, multi-coloured hair, biker weekeneds,spiritual awakening and a liking for all mystic things, however ridiculous they may be...experimentations with alternative lifestyle, and reading some of the most god-foresaken books, all as a part of the 'self discovery' process.

It is a time when you are legally allowed to of course after a while, it just loses its overrated value.No more of those 'sneak-away-and-drink' nights.We try being sophisticated about drinking,and conscious of our dietary needs..all as a part of the tween package.And while we all try to trick ourselves into thinking that we've grown up, that there's another dimension to our personalities now, the truth is we never really do.Here's some of the things that people always think about but rarely divulge...

*When do I have sex next??
*What the hell am I doing!???
*Where am I going with my life!?!
*Am I the only one without a life?
*Am I the only one who is not getting married?
*What the hell was I thinking saying "yes" to marriage!??!??
*Can I be in love with two people at once?
*Am I the only one who does not know what the f*** they talk about at work??
*When is Friday coming along?
*Do I really HAVE to work out?
*Does anybody know I'm sneaking free drinks away from work?
*Has my life come to such a point that THIS is what I'm thinking of?
*Does there have to be a Monday after a Sunday?
*Is there someway we can work around the "Don't drink and drive" rule?
*Is it true that men are from Mars and Women are from Venus?
*Would I be alienated if I admit to still listening to teen pop???
*Who says Harry Potter is for kids??
*Could I really be preferring cherry flavoured Coke to beer!??!??
*Do they know I am watching the game in my cubicle?
*When is the next free breakfast/lunch/anything...?
*Will I get up in time for work?
*Am I losing a day of my life each day that I work?
*Have the rules of courtship changed?
*Have I aged instantaneously??
*If I walk in in a Hawaii shirt will people stare?
*Do I have to wear a tie???
*Wonder how I can take off without my manager noticing!
*How much time before they realize I know nothing?
*How much time before I understand something?
*How much time to go for 5 o'clock?
*How much time before I hit the ill fated 30's?
*Whatz the time!???
*How many weeks before I have some real plans for the weekend?
*How many days more can I go on without doing the laundry?
*Has life in the 20's lost its glamour?
*Is it still okay to think that video games are the coolest thing on this planet?
*Is it still okay to enjoy jumping up and down on the bed???
*Is it okay to sleep with a teddy bear in bed!!??
*Am I still only 'OK' in bed!???
*Is this who I really am?


There's a part of us we leave behind; a safe haven we often retreat to.. because the bygone insecurities instill a false sense of security in present day, and it makes us feel good about ourselves,and gives us hope that we may actually be able to make it.And yet unknowingly..we try to rid ourselves of this haven, because we think its time to move on.But I wonder..why on earth would we want to do that??Surrounded by bitchiness, back stabbing, fierce competition,politics, and a complete lack of understanding about who we really is more likely to go over the cliff than under it.So perhaps we should unashamedly save this part of us, maybe it will be the only innocent, innocuous and pure part of us that will save us in years to come...

Growing old is mandatory..growing up is optional